Your baby at 9 months old, may be able to respond to a one-step command with gestures, like “clap hands”, ‘wave
bye-bye”. He/she can turn around while crawling, moves the entire body comfortably around the room. Gets into a siting
position from stomach. Makes a steppingresponse when held under the arms Shows interest in climbing up the stairs. Can
stand holding on to someone or something. Woulkd work to get a toy out of reach. Hand movements are more coordinated.
May be able to build a two-brick tower. Brings her hands deliberately. May be able to pick up a tiny object neatly with tips
of thumb and forefinger. May be able to point to any object or toy he wants.
Your baby listens when you speak to her and can understand simple instrucions. May be able to imitate animal sounds you
make. Would be curios to all sounds around and turn to the orgin of the sound. Uses two-syllable babbles consistently
such as “dada” or “mama”.
Your baby at 9 months old begins to understand the cause and effect phenomenon, like if certain objects are banged
together, it will produce sounds. Enjoys playing with pats and pans, playdrum, This is the age that activity set involving
colors, shape and textures will be appreciated.
Social and Emotional
This is the age when jealousy starts to set it. He/she gets upset when he sees parents with other children. He also gets
upset when you are upset, or any other children are upset. Parallel plays continues, yet this time, there is curiosity with
other babies around, that he may stare, poke and beat another child (again discsoveing the cause and effect phenomenon)
He is not ready to play cooperatively with other children, but that does not stop him from enjoying being in their presence.
This allows him to grow and develop socially and emotionally.
Continue to encourage positive traits in your child. Be generous with praise and cautious on how you address the negative
behavior that will sometimes be manifested. Like when your child cries without reason, you do not get to him because he
cried, as he will realize that this was an effective way for him to get the attention. Unless you are sure that there is
something seriously wrong, his crying will grow less when he realizes tjhat they don’t get the desired effect.
You can start to let your baby join you in the table when having meal. Using his high chair, non-breakable dishes and spoon,
place some finger food in the table, and make him part of the conversation.
Many babies, when they realize that parents may not always be available to lean on, may become attached to transitional
object ( a soft blanket, a cuddly stuffed toy).
Increase your expectations of his sociability. When you converse with your baby, give him an opportunity to respond.
Encouraging a response from your baby makes him realize he is involve.
By now, you should have clear ideas on disclipining your baby. Remember that discipline is not about controlling your baby,
but rather encouraging his awareness of other people, and just like him, others have feelings to consider as well.
This is the time of a lot of behavior modification is instilled. Rules about behavior enhance his social awareness of others,
and helps him establish self-control.
He/she knows the ful meaning of the word ‘no’, and would try to display defiance when you stand in his way. That’s normal,
healthy emotional reaction. You can help him gainn control over his temper by calming him down. Allow him to learn to
modify his behavior and develop sensitivity to others.
Games Babies Play
Encouraging physical, emotional, and social development needs to be associated with games we play with our babies.
Games do more than just entertain, but allow the development of socual skills, physical hand-eye coordination, language
and mental skills.
Clap Hands
At first, your baby’s hands will not open wide, but the ability to hold the hand will finally come. He/she may enjoy holding
his hands and outting them together. While you sing – “Clap hands, clap hands,till daddy comes home, ’cause daddy has
money and mommy has none,” – is the traditional verse – take your baby’s and show him/her how to clap. It may be awhile
before your baby can clap independently.
Cover your face with your hand,, and say, “Where’s mommy? (or daddy)”. Then uncover your face, and say, “Peek-a-boo, I
see you!”. And repeat over and over, then eventually, your baby does the same thing to you.
So Big
Ask, “How big is ________ (baby’s name)?” , help your child to spread his/her arms as wide as possible, and exclaim, “So
This Little Piggy Went To Market
Take baby’s thumb or big toe and start with, “This little piggy went to market,” Move on to the next finger or toe, “This little
piggy stayed home.” And the next, “This little piggy had roast beef”, fourth finger,”This little piggy had none.” And you say
the final line, “This little piggy cried wee, wee, wee, all the way home,” run your fingers up baby’s arms or legs to under
arms, or neck, tickling all the way.
The Itsy Bitsy Spider
Use your fingers – the thumb of one hand to the pointer finger of the other – to stimuate a spider climbing up an invisible
web, and sing – “The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout,” Then, use your fingers to imitate rain falling, and continue,
“Down came the rain and washed the spider out.” Throw your arms up and out for “Out came the sun and dried up all the
rain”. And then back to square one, the spider goes back up the web, and you end with, “And the itsy bitsy spider went up
the spout again.”
Eyes, Nose Mouth
Take both baby’s hands in yours, touch one to each of your eyes, then both to your nose, then to your mouth (where you
end with a kiss), naming each feature as you move along, “Eyes, nose, mouth, SMOOCH.” Nothing teaches body parts
I want you to feel that you can reach out to me if ever you have questions or want to share ideas that you have related to the care of babies, growing premature babies, and the overall health issues pertaining to the care of babies OR just drop me a comment to just say “Hello” or “what’s up”.
All The Best,
Maria Teresa