Gizmos for babies that parents may want

Hello! My name is Maria Teresa, founder of I created this website because I want to help parents particularly beginning parents in the care of their precious little one. I have been a Neonatal Intensive Care Nurse for about 40 years. I have dealt with various situations when during the first few weeks of the babies going home with their parents, the stress of “how to” is sometimes overwhelming.

Mom is experiencing varying degrees of pain recovering from the birth trauma. Dad is concerned to give total care to both the mother of the baby and the baby. Sometimes, that mix brings about a different level of anxiety that is channeled to the baby. When the baby cries due to any unknown reason, parents feel that “they did something wrong”.

Most new parents need a bit of support from families and friends, especially at the beginning. Some find the first few weeks to be more challenging. Just the thought of “not knowing what to ask”, because the stress had gradually taken over is a bit daunting. Babies Buddies aim to partner with the parents and the babies, to minimize the common hurdles and help establish a pattern to cope up with the demands of the new role as a parent.

Some of the essential stuff that will bring about convenience, productivity and peace of mind as we take on the greatest role of caring for our precious bundle of joy.

Baby monitor

There are several types:
1) Audio monitor – radio system that is used to remotely listen to the sounds made by a baby. This is equipped with a microphone that is able to transmit sounds to the receiving unit. Some has a two-way communication which allows parents to talk to the baby, or music to be played to the child remotely. It enables those who cares for the infant to know when the infant wakes up, cries, or do some strange sounds.


2) Video camera – also called “baby cam”, enables one to view and hear the infant. Most video monitors today have a night vision feature that allows the user to see the baby in a dark room. Some advanced video monitors now work over Wi-Fi so parents can watch through their smartphone or computers.


3) Movement monitors – this has sensor pads that is placed under the baby wile asleep that detects movement. If the sensor pads are unable to detect the infant’s movement for more than 20 seconds, an alarm will sound.


4) Vibrating alert monitors– for people with hearing difficulties.


Advanced Play yard/ Crib

This is very useful for on-the-go parents. Play yard or crib that is folded and unfolded single-handedly in seconds and is extremely easy to remove and pack up. Also, convenient for day-time naps or independent playtime for baby as you take care of chores.


Automatic Multi-level motion swing

Sometimes, when a pair of extra hands is needed, an automatic multi-level motion swing with built in sounds, will serve the purpose. This has pre-programmed motions, with various speed, sound options.


Smart Baby Monitoring System

Now, we can obtain a smart baby monitoring system that monitors the baby’s heartbeat, breathing and oxygen that is simply attached to the baby’s foot. It totally eliminates parents’ high level of anxiety.


Smarter Car Seat

A special clip on the harness alerts you via your smartphone if you leave your little one behind in the car. It also has a smart harness clip that notifies you if your child unbuckles the clip, is too warm or is seated too long


Smart Thermometer

This alerts you with real-time beeps and blinking LED light whenever it detects a high temperature. It monitors your infant’s temperature via a soft, silicone, wireless patch that attaches to your baby’s armpit and displays reading on an LCD screen.


Smart Baby Scale

It provides a whole new way to track baby’s growth and development. The ergonomic design makes it easier and more comfortable to weigh baby. Four-sensor technology ensures accuracy, and the integrated measurement tracker keeps track of the baby’s growth. Helps you get a precise weight reading (even with wiggly babies – which is all the time). It saves baby’s info using Bluetooth on the baby tracker.


A Nursery Bottle That Preserves Nutrients

A uniquely shaped bottles that looks like a breast, engineered to preserve the nutrients in the milk, the rounded shape helps cool and heat the milk twice as fast as standard bottles, preventing the breakdown of the breastmilk.


Baby Formula Maker

This fills up to 20 eight-ounce bottles with a touch of a button. Easy to operate and customize and works with all bottle sizes and brands.


Wearable Hands-Free Breast Pump

Absolutely no wires to plug, tangle-free, simple charge pump, pop into your nursing bra, and let the pump do the rest. As it is completely silent, you can simply pump pretty much everywhere. Programmable suction levels, and intensity, easy to clean. More so, there’s an app that monitors the milk in real time, tanks your pumping history and controls the pump remotely.


Smart Baby Food Maker

Makes everything from the purees to food with chunkier textures. It steams, blends, warms, defrosts and eliminates the need for pots, pans, blenders and microwaves.


Baby’s Portable Bottle Warmer

A wireless, portable bottle warmer that warms breast milk or formula while its right in the bottle. It has 4 different warming temps that takes about 5 to 10 minutes to warm and holds a charge for up to 12 hours.


Certainly, with advancement of technology comes a life of ease, convenience, productivity and peace of mind. Please feel free to share your thoughts, ideas and concerns. Thank you for visiting my website.

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