Your Baby at 8 months old
Your baby at 8 months old will have much improved leg and foot power, so would be pushing to move around and explore. He would venture to go around exploring,…
Your baby at 8 months old will have much improved leg and foot power, so would be pushing to move around and explore. He would venture to go around exploring,…
Your baby at 7 months old is able to put anything in his/her mouth, at this age. He/she begins to use finger and thumb in a pincer, claw-like movement.…
The same basic guidelines will continue to apply to your baby at 6 months old. If stimulating a baby in the first few months of life takes creativity, it…
Your baby at 5 months will be demonstrating the fun characteristics that started at 4 months with more established features. You will see more smiles and giggles. As your baby…
As your baby reach the fourth month, you will find that your baby is more interactive and social with almost everyone. The giggles, the laughing out loud, the squealing in…
It is the third month, which at this point, mom and baby must have established a routine schedule. Mom had expected her baby's daily routine and rhythm ~ the time…
You survived the first month. Both you and the baby got a passing grade on your baby's first month of check up. Everything is going well. The confidence in taking…
Today is exactly a month since you gave birth. As you get your baby ready for the routine doctor's visit, you can't help but smile, "You survived a month, and…